Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 7: Boring

This post represents DAY 7 of the day-by-day documentary of the gardening adventures of a newly-wed first-time gardening couple. They are not only first-time bucket gardeners but first-time any kind of gardeners. The details of their successes and failures will be communicated here so you can follow along with your garden - if you wish. To see links to each of the "days" click here.

Day 7: Boring
Today was not a busy gardening day - in fact I didn't even get to see the garden today. However, eyewitness reports state that it is doing well. One of my plants {the beloved honeydew melon} snapped due to extreme winds. We'll have a proper burial for her someday... Fortunately she can easily be replaced in our next planting.

So far we don't have any insect problems, and it looks like the birds next door are leaving the seeds alone. Phew!

Tomorrow I will be feeding the primary plants and hopefully within the next little while we will start seeing some green popping up from the secondary seeds we planted.

Wow, day 7 is a boring one... Sorry...

Actually, I'm kind of not because the great thing about this garden is that most of the days will be boring ones because it really doesn't require much work! So go enjoy yourself doing something other than gardening today - ok!

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